The Vale Museum was inaugurated in 1998, at the old Pedro Nolasco Railway Station, located on the shores of Baía de Vitória, in the municipality of Vila Velha, Espírito Santo. It was born with the mission of being a place of preservation and diffusion of the records of more than one hundred years of history of the construction of the Vitória-Minas Railroad.

Throughout its history, the Vale Museum has become a reference in terms of contemporary art exhibitions. With the opening of the exhibition hall, the space for major exhibitions was expanded. The site is still used to promote exchange and reflection on art and philosophy, helping to sensitize and train new audiences.

The Vale Museum also has a Memory Center, which provides a collection of about 24 thousand cataloged items, including photos, films, maps, books, objects and others related to the Vitória-Minas Railroad and the only daily passenger train in Brazil to travel long distances, in addition to items related to contemporary art.

Room of the scale model that houses a miniature, the largest in the world, with elements from Vitória-Minas railroad

Educational Actions

Artistic manifestation that uses light and shadow that arouse curiosity in the public

Hear about history and art to see more meaning in the world and society

We share art by hosting schools to assist in the formation of conscious adults

Room that breathes and welcomes culture

Art exhibitions that go beyond the walls of the Vale Museum

Aerial night view with triad exhibition walls

Vale Museum

Service Hours

Free Entry

Temporarily closed due to the coronavirus pandemic


Patio of the Old Pedro Nolasco Station . s/n, Argolas Vila Velha, Espírito Santo – Brazil CEP 29114-670

Contact Info

55 27 3333-2484

Access the Vale Museum website

Learn more about the Vale Museum and participate in the online programming:


*The content of the website to which you will be directed is only available in the Portuguese language

exhibition with one hundred works by Vik Muniz, at the Vale Museum

Photo Gallery

Click on the image to enlarge

Artistic expression that uses light and shadow and raises curiosity in the audience


Extramuros project presents a collective view from the pictures of the photographer Walter Firmo. O Brasil que Merece o Brasil exhibition has inspired the creation of Extramuros project together with Pastor Oliveira de Araújo school, in Cobilândia (Vila Velha, Minas Gerais).

Vale Museum na Mochila project brings culture to schools with mediators who take materials that show the history and art that the museum houses but at the children’s classroom.