On May 21, World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is celebrated. Through the Vale Cultural Institute, we promote and celebrate this diversity by investing in projects that value culture, musical ensembles, artistic presentations and the diversity of knowledge in our communities.
Learn about some of the events promoted and fostered by our museums and cultural centers
Vale Maranhão Cultural Center (CCVM)
Caboclo de Pena – CCVM’s first film production. It depicts 29 feathered caboclos [person of mixed Indigenous Brazilian and European ancestry] who have eleven oxen of the sotaque de matraca [a frenetic and contagious rhythm created by striking two pieces of wood together] – the groups of Boi do Maranhão are divided into rhythms (styles, shapes and expressions) and this Matracada rhythm is one of them Find out more.
Desmanche – The virtual exhibit has 33 works by 11 Brazilian artists. Curated by Gabriel Gutierrez, the main theme of the exhibit is the possibility humans have of reinventing and subverting established realities through art. Find out more.
Afrobeats Videoclip- Presented by the Guilombola community of Piqui da Rampa de Vargem Grande (MA), it starred young people from Quilombo and was inspired by poems from Maranhão’s Maria Firmina dos Reis, Brazil’s first black novelist. Find out more.
Horizonte Aberto – Educational program designed and developed with the objective of producing materials that promote critical thinking on various current topics. Find out more.
Memorial Minas Gerais Vale
Sementes da Diáspora – [seeds of diaspora] – This action takes place every Wednesday, at 11 am, on the cultural center´s social media pages. In the activity, envelopes with plant seeds of African origin, printed with images and information about Afro personalities are placed on the Baobá (a species of tree) built by the Educational area of the Cultural Museum. The visitor is invited to “harvest” the seeds and reflect on the nullification of black relevance in our history. The next one will be on 5/26. Don’t miss it!
Black Tips – Knowledge pills with tips on books and films, among other suggestions, with an ethnic-racial theme produced by black people, with emphasis on literary productions aimed towards children. The action takes place on Fridays on Vale Cultural Museum’s Instagram. Participate in the next edition on 5/28!
Check out the other programs at Vale Minas Gerais Cultural Museum.